Our Mission


ECMI provides music instruction and performance opportunities for people of all ages, musical abilities, and backgrounds. We give the public access to hear, see, enjoy, and celebrate music as members of a creative community.

Our Vision & Purpose

Founded in 2013, Ellsworth Community Music Institute (ECMI), is an inclusive 501(c)(3) community music organization. We strive to foster a love of live music in all ages, and provide musical friendships within a supportive community.

ECMI has drawn people of all ages and abilities, participating in an array of individual music lessons, course offerings, ensembles, and performance workshops.

It’s not just students who benefit from the camaraderie and a commonplace to study: faculty at ECMI will have the benefit of a stimulating group of colleagues, which is absent when they are privately teaching in their individual studios.  The continual exchange among teachers benefits everyone. Our Board of Directors is enthusiastically committed to this effort in part because the study of music forges values.  

Playing with other people, experiencing the deepest kind of communication, achieving artistic triumph - all build emotional empathy. The energy and vitality of music elevate the spirit, thereby nurturing humanity. Self-esteem flourishes when people accomplish musical skills and performance skills that they didn't think they could achieve.  The teachings are universal and infinite – from responsibility for one’s own part in the process to the profound appreciation of beauty.

Welcome to Ellsworth Community Music Institute